USA Gymnastics
New Mexico 2022
Xcel State Meet
— great results

2022 NM Xcel Diamond 1st Place Team
Loui Janecky recently celebrated her 40th year as director of the competitive gymnastics and summer camp programs at Los Alamos School of Gymnastics (LASG). Across the decades, she has nurtured thousands of New Mexican girls and boys as they fine-tune their balance, hone their body coordination, and achieve mental toughness. Loui imbues all of these essential gymnastics qualities with fun, which makes learning at LASG and being part of the team such a tremendous experience.
Loui and LASG’s stories are one and the same. Beginning in 1981, Loui established her coaching philosophy at the Los Alamos Sunburst Gymnastics (as the program was known then). Leading a major fundraising event in the mid-1980s, the organization built the dedicated facility on North Mesa Road, which is the current site of LASG today. Over the decades, the competitive gymnastics program continued to grow under Loui’s direction, and now includes both boy and girl programs. LASG routinely sends more than a dozen girls each year to compete in both state and regional competitions. On the national level, Loui has championed the creation of an alternative competition track, named Xcel. This program is geared toward accommodating a variety of skill and commitment levels, and providing opportunities for gyms that service smaller communities.
Beyond her efforts to deliver a top-notch competitive gymnastics environment, Loui maintains a variety of recreational and after-school child care options for our community. With M.A. and B.S. degrees in Physical Education (and a fond minor in English Composition), Loui has developed a summer day camp program that both entertains and challenges. Youth enrolled in the program participate in gymnastics instruction, but also enjoy a wide range of other team and individual sports, including soccer, baseball, badminton, tennis, and roller blading. With her focus on Northern New Mexico culture and landscape, a variety of outings are planned each week, including trips to the Aquatic Center, boating at Ashley Pond, mini-golfing at East Park, hiking the canyon trails, and attending summer movies.
One of Loui’s greatest honors after four decades at LASG is getting to coach the children of former athletes, which is a testament to the warm, family environment Loui has created for the children (and adults) of Los Alamos.
Miles Beaux was born and raised in Alaska. While his passion for gymnastics is second nature, he never received formal instruction as a youth due to limited access to gymnasiums in the far north. Seeking out creative and non-traditional approaches to learning the art, Miles joined The School of Tao Chi in Anchorage in the mid-1990s. The School was founded by a former gymnast turned martial artist who incorporated basic gymnastics training into his Kung Fu curriculum. This is the origin of Miles unique approach to coaching gymnastics.
Miles passion for acrobatics encouraged him to join the high school cheerleading squad. By the late 1990s, he began coaching recreational gymnastics classes, and had the opportunity to work with two of the 1996 Olympic Gymnasts: Kip Simons and Jaycie Phelps. A combination of his humble beginnings and Olympic-level mentoring taught Miles a great deal about gymnastics specific pedagogy and life in general, which Miles applied over the years of coaching a variety of acrobatic sports, including nationally competitive high school cheerleading, collegiate pole vaulting, recreational trampoline and tumbling, snowboard aerial maneuvers, and horseback vaulting. He has coached at the Mongolian Sports Palace, Palouse Empire Gymnastics, Donny Gardiner’s Lake Shore Gymnastics Camp, and at the University of Idaho and Washington State University.
Miles holds two teaching certifications, and has provided classroom instruction at all levels of academia from Pre-K through the post-baccalaureate studies. When not coaching girl’s gymnastics at LASG, Miles puts his Ph.D. in physics and microbiology to good use at the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s materials science division.
XCEL Coach
Competitive Gymnast at the National Level
Title USSR Master-of-Sport Gymnast The former USSR
This level is equivalent to USAG Gymnastics Elite level and a standing retained for life
B.S. Physical Education from Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport & Tourism,Moscow, Russia (1987)
Physical Therapy Diploma (1987)Post College Work Experience
10 years Physical Education Teacher in grades 1-12 (1987-1997)
2 Years Fitness Instructor (1988-1990)
10 Years Recreational Gymnastics Coach (1987-1997)
10 Years Swimming Instructor (1987-1997)
Instructor and Coach at LASG Levels 1-9 & Xcel (2004-present)Certifications
USA Gymnastics Instructor Member since 2005
USA Gymnastics Professional Member since 2007
National Safety & Risk Management Certification
USA Gymnastics Professional Developmental Program—Level 1 (2008) and 2 (2013)
USA Gymnastics & LASG Coaching Clinics (2006, 2007, 2008)
USA Gymnastics Certified Judge -
other coaches bios coming
Los Alamos School of Gymnastics
A non-profit 501c3 organization since 1984, established in 1976.
We teach children, not a sport or activity. The sport of gymnastics is the key activity through which we teach them, promoting a competitive gymnastics program & gymnastics progression. There is so much more to this than teaching skills.